Week 11


  • Buoyancy 
  • Archimedes Principle
  • Characteristics of wind erosion
    • Water, Wind, and Glaciers are the forms of erosion (moving material)
    • Wind erosion can only move small particles but they can eat away at larger particles.
    • Key principles:
      • wind shadows: areas behind an object where wind speed slows down and material is deposited
      • Carves the earth
  • Characteristics of water erosion
    • Water, Wind, and Glaciers are the forms of erosion (moving material)
    • Water is a powerful form of erosion
    • Rivers come in different "ages" that are not related to their age but the energy they posess
    • Young rivers carve down, have lots of energy, and tear apart the land, eroding all that it can due to energy from gravity. They can move material of any size and have similar characteristics:
      • Whitewater
      • Boulders
      • Fast flowing
    • Old rivers meander from side to side, have less energy, and carry fine sediment (Mississippi river)
      • They have oxbow lakes
      • They "eat" at the banks of the river
    • Mature rivers are in between the two above
    • Young rivers tend to make "V-shaped" valleys as they erode down
    • Rivers end in deltas
  • Characteristics of glacier erosion
    • Water, wind, and glaciers are the forms of erosion (moving material)
    • Glacier erosion moves HUGE particles that came from Canada during the last ice age
    • 2 kids of glaciers: Mountain & continental
    • Glacial erosion makes up a lot of formations seen in Iowa/mountains
    • Glaciers make U shaped valleys as they act like bulldozers
  • Characteristics of wind erosion
    • Sand created through water is polished, smooth, generally similar in size
    • Sand created through glaciers is polished, smooth, but irregular in size
    • Sand created through wind is opaque, frosted, pitted, and fine grained


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